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100 things

the cure-all
06/09/04 ~ 2:19 p.m.

so, david and i are both feeling much better today. we relaxed, ate hot and sour soup, watched friends and simpsons reruns, took a shower, changed our sheets, and enjoyed some lovin'. if nothing else, that last bit cured us. :)

no plans again tonight, we'll do a little cleaning, but i guess we'll just fart around the rest of the time. i don't really feel like making a bunch of plans though, so it's ok. i have plans tomorrow night (swing dancing lessons) and friday night (coworker's graduation party) so another night to do nothing is welcome.

i'm still quite tired, though. sigh. guess i won't make it up until this weekend or something. although we do plan to make the trip to my mom's house on sunday to make up for last weekend.

ooh! cool thing! friday is like a half-holiday for the U.S. like, government agencies are closed and stuff. banks are not, but the stock market IS. so it is up to our offices to decide if we will be open that day. my office will be open, but that means i get an extra personal day off whenever i want!! that RULES. i don't really care if i have friday off, but now i get another paid vacation day. woooooooooo.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
