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i'm going to avoid this next year!
06/08/04 ~ 12:35 p.m.

well, david is home recouperating from his night of pain. sucks that i can say i know what he feels like, but i do. poor guy got very little rest until about 3am. i helped as much as i could, got him water and pepto bismol and damp washclothes and all that, and i didn't sleep much cuz i was worried. but i think we're all going to pull through!

so yeah, i plan on washing the sheets to rid us of all the yucky germs, and hitting the sack semi early tonight. i'm going to bring home soup and gatorade for their healing properties. the dinner guest has been cancelled, of course, so we have no obligations at all. just an obligation to relax.

next year: flu shots. that's all i'm gonna say.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
