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100 things

08/09/01 ~ 12:10 p.m.

first off, jenny comes home today!!! whoo! she's already been on the plane forever.

ned is in the shower. gotta make this quick. i got a new computer yesterday, so i am tping this on my new desktop rather than my crappy laptop. =) everything is great except the 10-key pad seems to not be working. grrr.

a handyman came in a little bit ago (inturrupting my shaving. it was not happy) and finally fixed it so both phone lines are coming into the house. and in the right rooms even! heather missed 8 billion calls, i'm sure.

well, i'm sure you all want to know the juicy stuff. ned and i are so happy. he's all cuddly and stuff, which he didn't used to be. so it's very obvious he missed me. =) and the behind closed doors activities are going well. i really missed him =). funny though, when he's not here, i'm good. i'm pretty okay as a 'single' woman. i mean, i know i'm not totally single, but on all practical accounts, i am. i don't have ned with me when everyone else has their sweeties. and that sucks. but i'm all good.

i say this cuz brooke has issues with that. luckily though, she's hitting it off with a new guy and is really happy. i don't have many details to share right now, just that he's a nice guy and i hope he makes her happy. i only hung out with him once.

anyways, i'm gonna wrap this up so i don't get caught. tomorrow i'll be at work, so i might get some reading done. saturday my mom is coming to see the new place. sunday a bunch of us are going to great america. fun filled days! bye everyone!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
