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100 things

goodbye, for a little while
08/03/01 ~ 9:26 a.m.

hi guys!

so, the move went well. it was a LONG day. mikey and i worked really hard. i'm pretty tired at the moment.

right now the living room is full of my shit. boxes, blankets, books, it's everywhere. but my little apartment is so cute! i took pictures moving in and everything.

today, after i finish working (aka screwing around) i am headed back out there to unpack as much as possible before 6pm. then i am driving to ned's mom's house and going to the airport!!! he'll be here tonight! it hasn't really sunk in yet, so much has been going on with the move and interviews and housesitting and all.

my car is in the shop. still no word on what is wrong with it though. so i have to take my mom's car to pick up ned. oh well. it has a/c!!! no cd player though =(.

well, there may not be many posts from me for a little while. i have valid reasons though:

  • my new internet/computer acess isn't all hooked up yet
  • i won't be at work
  • ned doesn't know about the diary, and if he found out it wouldn't be tragic, but i'm sure as hell not going to show it to him!
i know you guys will miss me!

OH! i totally got the new job. i have to accept it next week, after a different interview for the same company, but i'm in. i am going to be SO sad to leave here though. i'm giving like a month's notice. the new job is seriously 2 minutes from my house, it's a quiet, tiny office where everyone is super nice, and i'm stoked. i'll miss the early fridays (i get off at noon) and the REAAAALLY flexible hours we have here, but i know it's going tot be better for me. i'm really going to miss gail. and working with brooke. and my friend sarah, who is in the cube right next to me. it's the end of an era.

well, i *do* have some things to do. i know i'm quitting, but i can't get fired first!!! don't expect an update until next friday. if you get one before that, you'll be lucky! sign my guestbook to let me know you love me! plus, i will be responding to email, so send it on over!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
