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a very technical entry
07/02/01 ~ 9:19 p.m.

i am chilling at home. it is 9:14. i am going to bed soon. tomorrow i am working till only 3, then hitting the road to see RENT again!!! 4th time for me! this is tomorrow's game plan:

3:00 pm - jon meets sarah, brooke and i at work. we leave polycomp.
3:15 pm - my house. we meet justin, leave my car, head off to davis in 2 cars.
4:15 pm - pick up mike and jenny in davis.
6:00 pm - check into motel 6, leave jon and all the beach stuff there.
7:30 pm - seating for RENT. watch the show!!
11:00 pm - get out of show, meet actors, drive back to motel. go to sleep. 7 people in one room!
10:00 am - wake up, get ready. heather & travers, rick, and possibly rick's friend meet us.
11:00 am - go to grocery store, get burgers, hot dogs, ice, etc.
12:00 pm - arrive at muir beach.
~~~ FUN ALL DAY!!! ~~~
5:00 pm - leave the beach, head home
8:30 pm - see a free fireworks show at the fairgrounds!
later - crash in my bed.

long day and a half? but FUN FUN FUN. i am so happy that jon & sarah and heather & travers decided to join us on this trip. i want all of them to become better friends with me and my other good friends. =) i love friend mingling.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
