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100 things

pms in the worst way
01/11/04 ~ 7:29 p.m.

why do i get so whiny and depressed and just downright BLAH around that time of the month? i feel like crying. don't know why though.

tomorrow i don't have to work at either job! yay for that. i asked it off from blockbuster because i have to go get my live scan fingerprints taken. i am on my way to being an official notary.

david is on his way home from his friends house. we're going to go out to dinner. pms is giving me those cravings, too.

one of my favorite co-workers, casey*, is leaving blockbuster. her last day is next sunday, and she moves to arizona a few days later. :( we're going to have a going away party for her though, i guess at my place. hehe. i like having people over though.

i worked way too hard yesterday. i was exhausted. my two bosses almost drove me into the ground. i will be glad for tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays each week cuz there is another assistant there to help me! i sure am earning that raise, let me tell you!

but it feels good to be so appreciated. my new boss, leanne, gave me a huge hug as i was leaving and told me how happy and excited she is to have me there. and how we are a "family." i really am happy, no matter how hard i'm working. and hey, working hard means i don't get bored, which was my main problem at other offices.

alright. i'm going to get back to the movie i was watching. and waiting for my sweetie.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
