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100 things

monday off
01/12/04 ~ 8:45 p.m.

so today was my first monday off. i get them off from the brokerage, but bockbuster tends to schedule me. i had a fingerprinting appointment today though, so i asked it off from blockbuster.

i slept in until 10. i finished watching a movie. i did laundry. i got fingerprinted (live-scan style. all computerized). i went to the YMCA and worked out good. i went grocery shopping. i picked up my paycheck from blockbuster. i came home, watched what a girl wants and did more laundry. i made david a nice dinner (low-fat chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, brussels sprouts (for me), and sugar free pudding for dessert).

then we cuddled and really had some quality time. now we're doing our own things on our comptuers, but we will go to bed soon, cuz it's work for both of us tomorrow morning.

picture time:

who has a friend like sammi who makes you your very own scarf with stars on it and surprise-mails it to you? i do, i do! sammi, i LOVE it. i'm wearing it right now as i'm typing this. :) thank you so much!

this was our living room, before we got our cool entertainment center. jumbled, no?

MUCH better. it's all nice and neat. i feel so grown up!

our pretty little tree

the outside lights. next year, expect a LOT more. i bought tons in 1/2 off sales!

jasmine wants presents!!!!

hope you enjoyed. night, all...


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
