new old guestbook about me links

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100 things

700? wow.
11/16/02 ~ 2:57 p.m.

it's my 700th entry. wowee. also, someone had 724 page views on thursday. damn. hope i was interesting!!

in honor of that, i am going to do a "best of" entry. 7 entries, one for each hundred or something. hee.

1. entry603.html -- this may just be my favorite entry. not because it's so well written or anything, but because...well, just read it. yay.

2. entry461.html -- proof i'm silly.

3. entry450.html -- more of me being dumb.

4. entry387.html -- stuff about me you may or may not know. it's short and cute.

5. entry349.html -- one where i get deep.

6. entry121.html -- talking abou t my first boyfriend. what a hoot.

7. entry199.html -- kinda comical because this is the entry about the first time jenn and i almost stopped being friends. that time, it was my fault. this time, i'd say it's hers.

ok guys, enjoy. i gotta run.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
