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100 things

11/14/02 ~ 2:16 p.m.

so. they gave us limited internet access at work. don't they know they should never give me ANY access at all??? they tried to be cool and block sites, like hotmail, and game sites, but they are not cool enough to know about diaryland. yet. if they're tracking me though, it'll be gone soon too. and i only work till the end of this month, so... oh well.

the computer here is not windows based. it's not even dos or linux. it's some weirdo system thingy. it's annoying because when i minimize something, it turns into a little icon. when i bring it back up, it reloads the page. i've tried to enter this in the "add an entry" page twice but had to minimize it when carol walked by, and lost it. now i'm hoping the copy and paste thing works. or else i'm really pissed.

PLUS, it uses netscape. argh. i don't like netscape. i'm all about the internet explorer. as are most people. i couldn't belive how messed up some of my favorite diaries' layouts were. mine is actually ok, but it was hard to make it work. it's a little different, and this middle part doesn't scroll, but it's not bad.

anyways, i'm really, really busy. (can't you tell? joke.) i have tons of shit on my desk and all i really want to do is go to sleep and have some homework fairy do my homework. i was hoping to do it at work, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

and tonight is going to be super busy. and i was depressed this morning cuz i gained 2 pounds, which could have been water, but who knows? david tried really hard to cheer me up, and then put the scale away and said to do my best at the diet, and not to wiegh myself again till monday.

alright, work is staring me in the face and i'm paranoid. gonna post this now. toodles.


p.s. we tried to watch midget porn after dawson's creek last night, but we couldn't find the right cd. cameron brought like over 50 burned cd's of porn. it will take me a long time to get through all of that. haha. but i want to see the midget porn!!!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
