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100 things

ok, i owe you all a long one
11/13/02 ~ 10:55 a.m.

bad holly. no updating in like 3 days? no good.

ok, this may be long. i'll try to start at the beginning. so, at spike and mike's, we [tiff, jeannine and myself] waited outside for a long, long time. jeannine was miss popular, knowing someone in every group that passed by. i was feeling sad and unpopular until, lo and behold, i knew someone. and not just anyone. the guy i was OBSESSED with for all of junior high. my first real crush. (yes, i talked david up a lot. wish he had been there for me to show him off). and he was there with his girlfriend, who had also attended our junior high. guess they started dating in college or something. they both went to san diego. and it was all twisted because the third person they were there with knew jeannine. small, small world.

so the films were pretty funny, everyone was smoking pot in the theater, and it was just all around cool. we got home at about 3 am. argh.

my very, very tired self slept in till noon on sunday. then i putzed around, worked out, and went to my mom's for dinner. yesterday was my brother's b-day, so it was a celebration.

it was after i got home from this that i found my sweetie home early with presents. =) see previous entry.

so we cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms. then we spent all of monday together, sleeping in, working out, cuddling, and making dinner. well, he made me dinner mostly. the whole day just felt super romantic.

yesterday was back to routine. work, work, work. i was totally busy catching up after the long weekend at work. chicken with my head cut off even.

then i drove david to school cuz it was pouring rain. he was home fixing my bike! how many sweet things can that boy possibly do?? i went grocery shopping, then came home and had girly-sex talk with jeannine while i prepared dinner.

picked up david, ate dinner, and watched gilmore girls. then i was forced to work out. i have no motivation to do that lately. then we went to sleep.

but i have a busy week ramining: tonight, class till 6:30, then dawson's creek (i think jeffy is coming over. hope so!) cameron is arriving, although i'm sure he'll spend most of his time hiding in jeannine's room. i also need to make a pasta salad because thursday i am going to a potluck for women in enginenering. i am only staying for while, cuz then i am running home because the dms meeting is at our place. i made rice krispy treats and i got cookies to make for that.

then friday (after class and driving out to my mom's dentist. ugh hate dentists!!) there is both a dms hip hop concert AND a cocktail party at tiffany's. david is not excited because he hates dressing up. this morning he demostrated how he "hates it with devil horns" as he made horns with his fingers. all i can get him to do is wear black jeans and a white shirt. party pooper. the rest of us are getting dressed up though. =)

this weekend isn't SUPER busy yet, but i do know that david is going to santa rosa on sunday and i am going to see brooke and robert's new place. (they move friday)

ok, it's all listed. i can breathe now. but i should get dressed and head off to my second class of the day. it was david's fault we missed our 10 am classes. i'll leave that to your imaginations.

happy hump day...

p.s. i went to like jenn said to do, and did this site. the whole part abou tthe devil horns got changed to "sex fights spanking he screwed how he "cuntlicks it with devil gangbangs" as he made wanks with his fingers." and i about died laughing. that's all.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
