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100 things

a top 5 about moi
02/15/02 ~ 3:51 p.m.

5 basic things about me:
- my name is holly
- i am 21
- i am a sagittarius
- i am 5'7" tall
- i am right-handed

5 random things about me you probably don't know:
- i almost never wear matching socks
- i don't know what my "natural" hair color is, exactly
- genetic traits i have: i can twist my tongue both ways and curl it, and i have a widows peak
- i'm tone deaf (or at least 99% sure i am)
- my ring fingers are double jointed

5 things about my family:
- my dad hitchhiked from NY to CA when he was 16
- my parents met working at lucky's
- i'm 5 years older than the next sibling
- my mom is a born-again christian has re-found religion
- my parents divorced during my senior year in high school

5 things about my significant other:
- he's a computer science & engineering major, and is damn good at it
- he loves the powerpuff girls
- he's a cuddlebug
- he moved in with me after we'd been together for only a short time
- i'm totally and completely, head over heels in love

5 things about my pet(s):
- if i make kissing noises, jasmine "kisses" (noses) my lips
- she eats with her paws (scoops it out, or dips her paws in the water)
- her meow sounds like "ow!"
- she has to kneed EVERYTHING before laying down
- she enjoys sticking her butt in people's faces

5 things about my website:
- i only know very simple HTML and i am not motivated to learn more
- it's been found by more than one person who wasn't supposed to find it
- i have one on geocities, but it's really lame
- i ganked the gonzo pictures off a really obscure site...they were hard to find
- i desperately wish more people read it, although i try to pretend i'm not bitter cuz i'm not that popular =)

5 "blogstickers" i like:(from this site)

hope you enjoyed!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
