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100 things

a tax time present!
04/15/05 ~ 3:20 p.m.


so my boss pulls up and i'm like OMGSHUTDOWNMYEMAIL (on her PC) and she walks in and just stopped by to give me a present. as a thank you for working so hard during tax time.

it's a $60 gift card to red lobster!

sometimes my boss and my job is awesome.

wow. now i feel guilty about the email thing. kinda.

run ragged
04/15/05 ~ 1:35 p.m.


like, srsly.

work JUST calmed down and i've been this psycho crazy person all morning.

but the boss just left and even though i have a little work left, it's not much.

plus i didn't take a lunch so i get to be off at 4:30, which really means i leave at 4:10 for the bank. BOOYAH.

and guess what i'm going to do with my extra time? go to the GYM! i rock.

ok, now i can read your diaries. whew.

hot air balloon love
04/15/05 ~ 11:29 a.m.

i saw my first hot air balloon of the season today. i live on the edge on wine country, so it's an annual thing. i love seeing them. but it reminds me of how badly i want to go on one. it's one of my biggest dreams. of course, it's an expensive dream. david's looked into it, and i hope this year our savings might be able to swing it. i REALLY REALLY want to float over the wineries in a big colorful balloon!

so, today is april 15th. and i thought we'd done pretty good, no las tminute freakouts, but i thought too soon. a client called having a PANIC ATTACK because he was going to owe $10k in taxes unless he removed his IRA contribution. eeeek. i thought the answer was going to be tough shit, you waited too long, but actually, it ended up that this particular problem can be fixed, as long as they sign the paperwork and it's in TODAY. then his taxes can be filed today and all is well.

of course, jenn (), who i haven't heard from in awhile, called me in the middle of all that. so i hardly got to talk to her. lame.

but guess what??? it's friday! i have no solid plans for the weekend, just things i will get around to. we'll do a run, have lunch, sabrina might invite us over for games. i want to go get the twin bed from his mom's house and move it to our guest room. i need to write another sociology essay, since it's due tuesday. i'm writing this one on teen shoplifting. fun times.

and the boss MAY be taking the afternoon off. that would be awesome. ::crosses fingers:: and it's pay day! see? many good things today!

now PICTURES!!! i'm a CAMWHORE!!!!
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2004: david and i are really getting into the DDR game.
2003: so i bought this digital camera on ebay a few weeks ago. it's a kodak dc3200 and i won it for $26.
2002: the adam love triangle got more pronounced as he got drunk. my theory - dana likes him, he likes tiffany, and tiffany doesn't like him back. plus there's me, but i didn't even enter into this group.
2001: SUNDAY: he didn't like talking about it, but i forced him to admit that he doesn't see us as a serious relationship. so i said, ok, then we'll end it. and at the same time as sadness came, so did relief.

yay google
04/15/05 ~ 7:26 a.m.

i love google stuff. how else would i know it was leonardo da vinci's birthday? he was born april 15, 1452.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
