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100 things

animal pictures - caught!
04/14/05 ~ 3:06 p.m.

look who i caught in the act:

griffin eating jasmine's food

now let me ask you. if you're a bird, i don't care how much you love food, would you hang out IN the cat's food dish? it doesn't seem like the best way to avoid being eaten. maybe that's just me.

and also:

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jasmine thinks it's fun to hang out in the car. well, sometimes. mostly it just scares her. especially if we close the door!


2004: actually, it's not insanely busy today at work, i must have gotten everything done yesterday.
2003: no entry
2002: i'm retarded and i fell over myself, resulting in a terribly scratched up leg.
2001: some coca-cola (TM) products from around the world are pretty gross.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
