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100 things

03/14/05 ~ 4:05 p.m.

sigh. i have only a few small things left to do at work, and i am hopelessly unmotivated to do them. i haven't heard back from sabrina yet, i hope we're still on for tonight, and i suggested the new indian restaraunt that's near us.

david locked his keys in the car. he's smart. luckily, AAA went to help him so i didn't have to drive all the way up there after work. that way, he won't be late for karate as well.

i must be not very cool, or maybe not as sympathetic to dorks, but i didn't really love napoleon dynamite. but i watched it, so now i get all the jokes. so there.

someone? anyone? write an entry to entertain me!

p.s. entry before this one is SELF PHOTO EXTRAVANGANZA! don't miss it!

p.p.s. HAPPY PI DAY!


2004: a car at this price with only 22,000 miles on it doesn't come along every day.
2003: i'm a chatterbox, talkaholic, etc.
2002: there is a jellybean ground into the carpet under my feet. sigh.
2001: "I think the salient point of my email was that i think your mom will value the gesture of you being open and honest with her more than any hope that you would follow her morals."

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
