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100 things

roses and "me" time
08/21/03 ~ 9:03 a.m.

i almost don't want to post an entry because i don't want to cover up the pictures of jenn, kiki, and i. you should go check them out if you haven't seen 'em yet. diaryland rules for making friends. =)

so. it's thursday. nothing notable about that. i'm only a little sleepy because david and i went to sleep before 9pm last night. i really needed that extra sleep.

speaking of my honey, he brought me roses for no reason yesterday. we weren't fighting, it wasn't a birthday or anniversary, he just did it because he loves me. i was so happy i could have cried. how did i find such a wonderful, loving man? who truly loves me for everything that i am, including my faults? and then expresses it in a manner that any girl could appreciate, even though he doesn't really get the flowers hype?

i almost want to say i don't deserve it, but you know what? i DO deserve it. i should be treated like i'm special and david does that better than i ever could have hoped.

all right, i'm off the mushy train now. i promise.

so i'm reading fred's book, chunk to hunk. (it's over on the right side of the diary, check it out!) i'm really loving it. it's SO insightful. i'm still in the first half, where he's lost about 100 lbs but is still a pretty overweight guy. he's just got all these ideas about attitude that i really need to embrace. i could ramble about it a lot more, but i'll do that in my diet diary. but really, i reccommend it to everyone, even if you're not working on losing weight. it's an eye-opener and a thought-provoker.

tonight is going to be another lazy night like last night, excepting a workout video i plan to do. i'm really enjoying letting my life settle down. i'm finding how much i like quiet. i loved eating my lunch in a tiny cafe that was empty, just perusing the paper and enjoying time with myself. last night, after we made dinner and did dishes together, david did some work on his computer and i retired into our room for some quality reading time. i'm feeling like these moments are healing me from the inside out, that they're de-stressing me of all the stress that has been built up for years now.

as much as i love david and i love my friends and i enjoy their company, "me" time is important right now. i'm finding that i happily send david off to do his own thing because then i get to hang out with myself and really get to know ME.

alright, enough with the babble. type at you guys later,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
