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100 things

kick me while i'm down, why don't you
06/12/03 ~ 4:38 p.m.

i wrote up a whole entry at work earlier. i'm almost ready to just junk it, but i guess i'll tack in on to the end of here.

my life sucks even more. how? you ask? how could it get worse after two totally dead cars, and a horrendous final? when you're worried about money and david's worried about getting a job to make money? well, there are many ways but here's one:

i got laid off.

right. the ONE sure thing, the fact that i was working full time and saving money this summer, will be gone in 2 weeks. the 28th is my last day. it wasn't my fault, they laid off more than 5 people. budget cuts, you know. but i still feel like shit.

i cried. for about an hour. i think i'm done being sad. now i'm pissed off, stressed out, and kinda numb, too. i'm shaky, nauseous, and just .... scared.

i don't know what we're going to do now. the number of options keeps getting less and less.

and i have another final in about 2 hours. whoopdie-do.

i can't really write anymore, so, if you care, this is what i wrote earlier today. peace out.


it's 9:33 am, and i'm at work. i got to work by way of the commuter bus today - yes, i figured it out. it's not such a bad way to go, if it didn't take so long. well... i guess it's only about an hour, from the time to i get to the bus stop, to the time i'm at work. that's not so bad. i brought she's come undone with me (which i am enjoying very much, btw), and i also have my new issue of cosmo. so i was set.

saving the $6/day parking, and the $20/week gas is a good thing too. i didn't even feel bad dropping $1 on a coffee this morning, cuz i'd saved already today.

coffee? what?

yeah. i hate coffee. i usually can only drink it when it's like a caramel frappachino concoction. would you like some actual coffee with your sweets? yeah. but today i have already had two cups of regluar french roast (supplemented by sugar and cream, of course), and it was actually ok.

i'm tired because i got up at 6:30 to get ready and bike to the bus stop, and i got home at 1:30 am, after watching everyday joe win the semi-finals!! yay! they are really good. if you like music similar to dave matthews or counting crows, you'd actually really like them. try it- they have the mp3s on their site. i reccommend "angels" and "fear of what's to come" for you to see what you think. plus, there are pictures of them in all their hotness. really. see for yourself. 4 talented musicians, who are all incredibly attractive... yeah. makes for a good show.

anyways, the contest they won was the semi-final of 100.5 the zone's battle of the bands. the winner gets to play at their summer festival concert, with the likes of hootie the blowfish and macy gray (among others), PLUS they win $1000. sweet, huh? they won it last year, and are heading to do it again. hmm, when i get home from work, i need to check out the zone's website and see if there are pictures of them and such.

so today, i get to take a county car and bring my county cell phone, and work at the other office. you'd think i was all important or something, huh? not so much. i'm just doing inventory over there. but it *will* make the day go faster than sitting here, checking files to be sure they've been scanned.

switching gears, i get to tell you all about what a wonderful 'housewife' david is. well, maybe that's not the right term... but i'm not kidding. while i was cleaning the kitchen, i spilled comet all down my leg and shoe. i was wearing the only pair of pants that aren't too baggy, and my nice boots. i was like, "shit. i'm going to bleach them. i can't put water on this!" and david came to the rescue. he neutralized the acid with a base - baking soda. then he washed them both off -- my shoe is fine and the pants look good, we'll know when they are washed. david is a genius.

well, that was a lot of information, huh. bored yet? i thought so. i'll just get going, then. TGIAF! (the 'A' stands for 'almost'!)




p.s. i piss myself off with my cheerful attitude this morning. why the fuck did this happen?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
