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100 things

it gets even worse
06/09/03 ~ 10:00 p.m.

does it get worse? oh yes. when it rains, it pours, right?

car in unfixable. that's right, david's car is kaplooey, just like mine. in the same way, even. blown head gasket.

not sure where we are at this point in time -- in less than 3 months, we have to move out. we can't live in davis, it's too expensive and our room has already been rented. we're moving to santa rosa, where we will need to pay first and last month, security deposits. we'll have to both find jobs, and that will probably require a car. which we will have to buy.


there's only so much money two people can save up in 2 1/2 months, even if they don't splurge on ANYTHING.

BIG BREATH. it's ok. we will survive, it will be ok.

ok, no more with the depressing. here is a list of GOOD things!

1. i got a C in my MATH CLASS!! that final i thought i failed? well, i did. but not with the curve! hahaha. i actually got 48% in the class... and that was a C. whatever. but yippeeeeeee!! now i only have one final to worry about. =)

2. i can ride a bus to work which accomplishes many good things: - no gas money, - it's free, - no parking cost, - i can read while on it, - it forces me to work full days and get large paychecks, instead of coming home early like i tend to do.

3. i did my grad outfit shopping last week. so no worries in that department.

4. krystal* cut my hair! yay to no split ends and shorter summer hair! (it's not short, it's to my shoulders) AND she brought me a movie to read.

5. i've read 3 books in the last 3 days. woo!

6. i don't have to work tomorrow or wednesday. always good.

7. we have friends and family that try to help as much as they can. they offer rides, loans, things we need. we're fortunate to be so loved.

8. we love each other. yay.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
