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fuckityfuckfuckfuck (aka car troubles)
06/09/03 ~ 12:28 p.m.



and those are my feelings for the evening.

david's car broke down. smoking, stalled, everything. looks like a severly cracked radiator.

and, of course, it's not in town. no. it's about 45 minutes away, cuz we were visiting my mom.

for the whole story, david is typing his version up now, including details of the car issue, plus a baby bird story. you should read it.

i'm just going to point out the reasons this SUCKS MAJOR ASS.

1. money, plain and simple. parts and labor are going to be a fortune.

2. i will have to take a commuter bus to work, which means i can only work on days that i can work WHOLE days. if i have a final that day, i can't work any hours, when i was planning on working half days. this helps negatively in the needing money department.

3. david will have big time difficulty going to job interviews w/o a car. once again, not helping with the needing of money.

ugh. please send some good vibes our way, k?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
