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100 things

make a wish!
05/28/03 ~ 8:43 a.m.

for pieces of you:

If you had the power to make one wish come true what would it be? Would you use this gift for yourself or for someone else?

every time i envision having three wishes, i'm selfish. i usually have two for me and one for mankind. and now that i have only one.... oh, the pain.

i mean, with one wish i couldn't cure all that is wrong with the world. sickness, violence, murder, war, serial killers, insanity, etc, etc. it goes on and on. and of course, the "perfect" world wouldn't work either. it would either be too boring or have problems of its own.

with that in mind, my wish would be for myself. i'd wish for david and i to be immortal.

i'm terrified of death, and i wouldn't want him to die while i'm living on forever. i know there are flaws to this wish, and maybe it's not as wonderful as it initially sounds, but this is what my genie would do for me.

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