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100 things

list of things
05/18/03 ~ 3:17 p.m.

some things:

1. i made some reading lists. check 'em out.

2. i got sunburned yesterday, but just on my back and butt. this is why i am contemplating going outside and doing my homework while tanning. i will only expose my front!!

3. i pulled a calf muscle. i can't run on the treadmill for a few days. this sucks for the exercise department.

4. as taken from david's diary (which he now updates!): "Holly discovered a crack in the bathtub. While this would not normally be a horrible thing, the tub is plastic and a crack is more like a crater, and a crater allows for water damage. While I ordinarily have no problem with water flooding through the tub, onto the floor, and into the bedroom, such an occurance has the potential to damage my new Beanie Baby (tm) squirrel, which just won't do." point being, there is a large-ass crack. this is a horrible thing. and i'm afraid i'm going to cut my foot on it, no less. i put in a maintainance request though, i hope they fix it soon. yay for living in an apartment where THE MAN has to fix those kinds of things. thank god i don't have to buy a new bathtub!

5. maybe i'll just take a nap. hmmmmmm. nap in the sun?

6. i'll go now.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
