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100 things

this or that
05/13/03 ~ 7:20 a.m.

ahh, tuesday. means i have to work for 5 hours, and go to the hated math class. grumble.

i am STILL full from the sushi. i ate it from about 11:30 - 12, and i haven't eaten a thing since. weird. i'll have some yogurt this morning to remind my stomach what it's supposed to do.

this week i need to catch up with friends. ted* is here visiting, so you know what he's been doing. ewwwww. but i need to visit him since he's not in CA much.

and he's staying with mike*, who's got a new girlfriend. she's the ripe old age of 17. mike's.... 25? 26? yeah. but he's all in love and sold a car to buy a ring and he's going to propose when she's 18. wow.

well, gotta run, off to work. here's some questions to give you more to read:

This or That Tuesday

1. Packrat or minimalist? packrat

2. Computer: desktop or laptop? desktop.

3. Seashore or mountains? Seashore

4. Carpeting or bare floors? carpet

5. Drinking water: bottled or tap? brita, baby.

6. Shopping websites: eBay or Amazon? ebay is rad.

7. Cute little kitties or big scary tigers? kitties.

8. Front door or back door? front... cuz i know what it is implying.

9. Lots of jewelry, or little/none? very little. just earrings that i never change.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: At the last minute, you obtain tickets to an event you're dying to attend. However, you have to work that day! Do you ask the boss for the time off, or just call in sick? call in sick!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
