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100 things

can't hide anything from me
11/26/02 ~ 1:55 p.m.

whew. it's been busy at work since i got here. i am having a small break cuz everyone else left and what i am doing right now is printing a buttload of stuff. so that's taking a little while.

so, i'm still in a bad mood over my math midterm greade, but i am seeing a glimme rof hope. i talked to the professor today, and while he recognizes that i'm in a bad spot, the final is worth 50% of the grade. so, if i can study my butt off and undertand these concepts, i could still get a C. eh.

changing the subject, i am the master at ruining surprises. which sucks because i *love* surprises. i would rather NOT know what i'm getting for christmas, and wait for the event. i don't look for hidden presents. i don't try to pry out surprise party details. i'm relaxed about it. and i've already ruined 2 in the past week.

the first one was by accidently turing around to smile at david and noticing he was emailing my dear friend amy. right after he had grilled me about when all my finals were, which happens to be my birthday week. oops. seems amy had emailed him to try to plan something. so, i hope they do something to surprise me, but the fact that something is being done and amy is a part of it has been ruined. argh.

the second one was yesterday. david was a total sweetie all weekend, and he had graciously volunteered his car to drive down there, so i decided i wanted to do something nice for him. he doesn't like little presents or knick-knacks or whatever, he likes to keep things clan and simple. so i kidnapped his car while he was at school, and took it to a place where you put quarters in and used the big scrubber brush and nozzle to clean the car. then i pulled up to the super powered vaccuum, and vaccummed out the inside. which is when i found the optical mouse under his seat. oops. that would be a birthday present. so i replaced it, finished what i was doing, went home, and windexed all the windows.

i left it parked outside, complete with a cute card on the seat. it had a little drawing of a tree with sqirrels and said something like:

"i saw some squirrels in a tree and thought, those squirrels are in love.
but then i realized that with squirrels, it's only about the sex.
(with us, it's the love.)
(and the sex.)"

i told him to go look at his car. when he came back inside, he was grinning, gave me a big kiss, and proceeded to pry it out of me what i had found. i felt so bad! i wasn't even going to say i'd seen it. so he gave it to me last night. ha ha.

i would have never found it on normal circumstances. even if i drive his car, i don't go under the seats! oh well. it was pretty funny.

sigh. can't wait for this 4 day weekend. well, i'm working friday, but it doesn't matter. no school! even though i will have some homework and studying to do, surely.

well, i'll catch ya all later,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
