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100 things

one where all i talk about is my street
11/19/02 ~ 12:37 p.m.

oh, the nuttiness.

i had the most difficulty getting to work today. (yes, i'm here now. hee.) see, i live on a pretty crappy street. it's mostly trailer parks and auto repair. seriously, on maps of davis, the davis trailer park is right there, on my street. i live in a nice complex that is gated and safe, so it's all good. until i try to go anywhere.

the street has it's own freeway exit, which is nice, but it's only one out of the 4 ways a freeway can be accessed. you can only GET OFF the freeway going one way. going east, you can't exit, and you can't get back on the freeway at all. so after you're on this street, there's only one way out. the stoplight.

this particular stoplight blocking that one way out is a terrible, terrible mess. it can singlehandedly determine if i'm late to class each morning. david has remarked more than once that he designed a better stoplight system in his electronics class. it handles all the traffic from my street (where people exit the freeway cuz they think it's a shortcut) and the next freeway exit. AND it's the only access to get downtown. and to top THAT all off, it's a one lane street because there is a railroad tunnel that goes over it. so it's often quite backed up and people are in the middle of the intersection because they are impatient.

so all of these conditions are the normal ones. then add in there that they are doing massive construction on my street. apartment complexes or something. (like we need MORE people living here.) so they add little holdups, but i've gotten used to that. it's been going on since the summer.

here's the kicker: today, some big accident happened that caused the stoplight to be just a blinking red light, and at the same time, diverted about 4 of the free college buses down my street. there were police officers, there were construction workers, there were people getting off the bus at the wrong stops, people were everywhere. and it was mayham.

it took me over 10 minutes to get off my street. it usually takes me less that to get to work. thus, i was late.

funny thing is, all i had to say was that i live on olive drive and there was traffic and he understood. he then proceeded to tell me how horrible my street is and how he never goes on that side of town. it's THAT notorious.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
