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100 things

fucking midterms
11/18/02 ~ 10:28 p.m.

i have a math midterm tomorrow. so what was i doing? watching porn.

it's all cameron's fault. he brought us a shitload of the stuff. i dare say by the time i get through all of it, i'll be completely ammune to it all. porn will never turn me on again.

i'm waiting for david to get home. he's in the school labs doing work. they close at midnight, but i hope he doesn't stay that long. i want him to hold me and tell me about how i'm going to pass this test even though i know nothing. plus i need something else to do. i've already bitten my nails all off.

plus, i want to tell him about my NEW JOB!!! that's right, i called this morning, got an interview this afternoon, and was one of the 2 people they hired today out of 35 - 40 people. cuz i rule.

hmmm. i think i'm going to still put off the summaries of the cocktail party and such because i will get the pictures back in a few days.

ok, off to study... kinda... argh....

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
