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100 things

09/06/00 ~ 7:18 pm

my weekend was not very relaxing. it was supposed to be a fun holiday weekend. i, despite working at on office that observes labor day, had to work on monday. why? because i wasn't finished with my weekly work. why? because i have no assistant!!! ok, enough bitching.

i am ALWAYS tired (and whining about it to anyone who will listen, which i'm sure is very annoying). but what perplexes me is...I AM GETTING PLENTY OF SLEEP!!! yet i always want more. i keep sleeping in, falling asleep in classes, taking naps in the afternoon (unlike my friend jeffy, i am a professional napper). it's pissing me off.

well, i've discussed anything that is new in my life, so i must be going.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
