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100 things

06/08/02 ~ 10:07 p.m.

-- the concert: went off pretty well. chad's band, second to last, did play, along with andrew from false dawn, and did pretty darn good for a first permormance. they need a lot of practice and improvement, but i was very proud. buckyballs were awesome, as were the poetry group ill-literacy.

-- david and i finished our project today, and cooked dinner and watched a movie. he's starting to make his crush a little more obvious. as in: him: "i'll be over soon." me: "aaah, wait. i have to get dressed!" him: "says you." so yeah.

-- adam borrowed my car this evening. cross your fingers it returns in one piece.

-- last night after the concert was fun, too. jeannine, jenn and i went to woodstock's and had pizza. then we played pool into the wee hours of the night here at my complex. (we all suck...) jeannine crashed here, so that was cool. i love her! =)

-- it's sleepy time since tomorrow i have a study group and shopping with bree and such. toodles~


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
