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100 things

mmmm del taco
05/15/02 ~ 12:02 p.m.

just had bean and cheese burrito. mmm, mm good.

i overslept this morning cuz i set my alarm for 6 pm. oops. but jenn called and woke me up randomly, which was good. she had bad news though -- we're not going to magic mountain over memorial day weekend anymore. this is both good and bad... bad, of course, cuz it would have been a blast, but good for two reasons. one: saving $$$. two: going to marine world with adam and the gang. i was sad i was going to miss out.

friday night is a concert at school -- danny's band is playing, DMS is in charge, and i'm taking pictures! woo. and adam will be there. and i'm hanging out with my new friend bree that night too. (sue's roommate!)

i missed chatting with bobbi jo last night, and i'm going to again tonight cuz i SWEAR i'm going to bed at 10, right after felicity (no my life is not run by TV, it just seems that way!) she is so cute... i got on neopets and she had not only given my tons of stuff, she almost bought out my store! hee, she's so great. i got her a present to give to her when i meet her, but i can't say what it is yet! hee.

so tonight -- work, then dawson's of course. tomorrow night -- pictures with my brothers. and friends at jenny's house.

then saturday i am hanging out with jeannine, after sleeping in of course. plus laundry and homework have to figure in somewhere. heather and travers are going home for the weekend, so i'll have the place to myself, which is peaceful. i wouldn't want to be by myself all the time, but sometimes it's nice.

alrighty, i'm up to date. actually, i'm a few days ahead of myself. so i'm off. bonsoir.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
