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100 things

i want it that way
05/11/02 ~ 2:56 a.m.

yep, i'm up late. no big surprise. i'm becoming a true college student.

so i got a random phone call from adam today on my cell. but i could see he was calling from tiff's cell, so that was yucky. he told me about a bunch of DMS stuff, then mentioned he was going to olive garden with tiff and ken and a bunch of other people (NOT including krys and steven, i might add). then he invited me, so they came and picked me up.

i don't care how much either of them insists that they don't like each other. even if they don't, i am still jealous of the attention that he pays to her, the fact that they see each other more than i get to see adam, and their inside jokes. it just about drives me nuts. i want to be special to him in a big way.

i'm beginning to think adam is seriously oblivious to the fact that i like him, when a while back i would have said he totally knew. he's just so... in his own world, i guess. always thinking, zoning out, etc. i like that though. he's so deep.

luckily, i should get some alone time with him to work on this DMS website issue. i'm seriously gonna just have to come out and tell him what i'm feeling, and hope for the best. chance i'll do that? 5% or less. yes. me = woos.

well, what we did was go to olive garden to celebrate this girl (that i didn't know) passing her grad studies exam. we went there cuz another girl i didn't know is dating the bartender, and he Hooked us up. yes, with that capital H. the we get to our table, and our server is this guy dave, who i went to sierra with and now goes to davis also. so then he Hooked us up. it was a sweet deal. he's pretty cute and smart and he's now single, and i wish i had flirting skills. he invited me to go to this party at the co-op tomorrow night, for the whole earth festival thing going on, but i doubt i'll go by myself. maybe if amy was coming up... which she just might be. the whole earth festival is a big hippie shindig, with vegans and potheads galore. but i have stuff to do this weekend, not to mention the program i am supposed to work on.

goddamn program. i'm seriously not going to finish. and that sucks. big wang, even.

alright, need to put the dished from my midnight snack away and go nighty-night. i'm sad miss bobbi jo didn't sign on tonight. =( she's the best thing about my late night internet fixes. =) hopefully next time.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
