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100 things

no way. way. no way. waaaaay.
05/10/02 ~ 6:19 p.m.

i am all caught up on sleep cuz i went to bed like a good girl last night and then slept through all my classes like a bad girl.

i haven't worn my knee brace all day. yes, it hurts, but i can almost walk normally. i'm so glad, however i have a feeling it will be a long time until it is all the way healed.

mother's day weekend... i'm going ot my mom's to have lunch with her and my grandma. i'm also taking my brothers to get our portraits taken, to give to my mom for her birthday in june. but walmart's phone keeps being busy, the bastards. blah.

and that's all. i think i've spent too much time on the computer, i'm starting to get sick of it. imagine that.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
