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100 things

backing up, beep beep
05/08/02 ~ 11:18 p.m.

i'm playing neopets, and earning stuff on my own.

i'm eating peanut butter cup ice cream.

jenny, jeffy, and jackson left not long ago, after dawson's.

my new roommie, jeannine, sent me a novel-like email that just reaffirms her awesomeness.

i got to ride around in the cart at food for less! it beeps when i go backwards, and the horn is lame, but oh so funny.

what more could i ask for, you ask. hmmm... if this program would write itself, that'd be great! hee.

anyways, the neopets card games think it's really funny to make impossible games. but whatever. at least it's not down anymore.

i hope bobbi jo signs on soon. i just love chatting with her! if i stay up late enough, she usually does her morning check-in (she's 9 hours later than me).

that's really all, folks. when you can't get around easily, you really don't do much. i know, it's sad.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
