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100 things

sad news
05/07/02 ~ 10:14 p.m.

well, i'd been leaving you out of the loop on a few things going on with jenny and mike, until they settled down. besides, the gory details are not for me to broadcast. but the decision has been made that when jenny leaves for indiana, it will be alone. not because they don't love each other, because they do. very much. this is very, very hard for them. but because here in CA, mike will have a better chance with education and money, and jenny really needs to go live out her notre dame dream. it may not be the end for them, who knows, but i know it will be hard no matter what. i'm very proud of her for making this decision and being strong. she's very afraid to be alone but she knows it's the right thing. i hope she can hang in there.

i'm working on the program i got an extesion on. good thing neopets isn't working, which cuts out some of the distractions. i didn't get any of it done today because after i got off of here, i slept from 3 - 7:30. gosh, drugs will nail it to ya.

i'm chatting with the lovely molly right now. she has a duck named howie! i want a duck and a monkey!

that's it.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
