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100 things

my ass is still sore
02/01/02 ~ 1:06 p.m.

i just got my ass kicked so hard on a midterm i can taste it. how hard you ask? 31/100. i am not happy. yes, there was a curve, but i'm still in the F range. yes, one question *did* get graded worng, but at most, i may get a D. i am so screwed in this class.

i'm using a computer at school, and i've never been in one of these labs before. this is a mac, and i tried to copy and paste from an email i wrote to my friend mary using "ctrl-c" and, oh no. the entire email is gone. and the stupid "end" key doesn't put me at the end of the line, it puts me lower on the web page. grrrrrr.

i would write more, but i need to bike to class now. next time i will gush about how excited i am for the super bowl party we're having this weekend. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
