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100 things

my last day... so sad
12/11/01 ~ 9:21 a.m.

i'm getting pretty sad. people are starting to claim things from my cubicle, like my tape dispenser and hole punches and stuff. plus the other lady who has the same position as me is ganking my computer when i leave! ahh. i can't believe i will only be here 6 more hours.

i'm only doing projects that can be completed really quickly. today i have to go over a few last things on my big project with my boss, then i have an outgoing interview, a big lunch in my honor, and my yearly review. basically, i'm getting nothing done today. oh well.

oh. my. god. i visited my grandparents last night, ones i rarely see because they are my dad's parents. they gave me a pretty large check for my 21st birthday, which shocked the hell out me me. i was totally all open mouthed, staring at it. so basically, i can get myself that scanner, get a cell phone, and still put some in my savings to help out with my rent and practical things like that.

then i met brooke at old navy, to buy gifts for heather and robert, which i did, but i also bought a couple items for myself =). hee hee. i'm on a turtleneck-sweater kick. i usually hate turtlenecks, but loose necks on sweaters don't bug me, and they just look so cute. especially with my shoulder length hair. when i get my scanner, i'll be able to just show you right away!

then i got to meet brooke's other friend, sandy, and her new puppy-- a toy poodle named holly! yay! sandy was worried i'd be mad the dog had my name, but i thought it was so cute. it's a seasonal name, i don't mind. sandy was really nice, and we hung out there until about 10:30, then went back to brooke's and i spent the night so that i didn't have to drive so far this morning. although i probably kept her up half the night coughing. i had some darn tickle in my throat that just wouldn't go away.

and that brings us to now, me at work, about to illegally sneak on to the internet to post this. then i am going to check up on this client whose mail got returned. aren't i productive??

tomorrow is my birthday! finally 21! yay! =)


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
