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100 things

11/27/01 ~ 5:05 p.m.

i am SO tired. i don't think my body was ready for a full day at work yet. i want nothing more than to go home and sleep, but i still have class to go to tonight. and seeing as how i've missed class a lot in the last week, i need to go. bah. i may be able to sneak a nap in though.

i am writing this at work, of course, for i am not feeling like being very productive. today i had to go to this "training" class so we could learn about performance appraisals and the importance of constant improvement. it was 2 hours long and boring as hell. just review me and give me my raise already! geez. =)

speaking of which, i haven't heard back from the church job place. all they need to do is give me an interview and they'll realize that they need me!

quinn IMed me last night and then disappeared. that kinda sucked. i hope i get to chat with her again.

i have weird fingernails. they're usually semi-long, as i've mostly broken the nail biter habit i used to have. it'll come back to get me if i get really stressed, but i've got a pretty good handle on it. but the nails from my index finger kinda jump up and then start curling down around my fingertip rather than sticking out like any normal fingernail should. it's bizarre. i love my fingernails because not only do they make my hands look slimmer and sexier, but also ned likes to play with them when he's holding my hand and i love it.


i miss him. a lot.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
