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100 things

please let me pass this class
11/26/01 ~ 10:17 p.m.

andy and i made the executive decision that we can't finish this program with what time we have left and we'd end up pulling our hair out for nothing. so we're giving up and preaying to god that we do well enough on our midterms and finals to still pass this horrible class.

i'm going to make a small list of the "dumb things holly said in GA". here goes:

1. when i was first learning the fight song, i sang "get 'em in the ass" instead of "bust thier ass"

2. and when i was talking about doing 5 loads of laundry here at the complex, i was explaining that all the other people who live here might want the machines too but i have to "beat them off" (meaning, beat them off with a stick).

yeah, i'm dumb. and to end this on a happy note, i forgot to tell you all what jack said to me one one of our chats. he told me what a great guy ned is, and how he's been completely faithful to me. he said he doesn't even flirt with other girls. that was so wonderful to hear. i got the pictures back today, and i need to stop by my mom's hosue to scan one of us, it's so cute. ned is wearing a santa hat with hair and i'm wearing a beanie knit with real beer cans. it's quite amusing.

bed is calling. night.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
