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personalized answering machine
11/20/01 ~ 5:31 p.m.

so, i lost luke's number. i was supposed to call. i actually very rarely do things like this, but i really did it. i hope he calls after i haven't called him. i even made the message on my machine say:

"hey guys, leave a message. if this is luke... i lost your number and i thought it was in my purse but i couldn't find it there at work so then i thought it was at home but it's not so it's gone and i can't remember anything except it was a 408 area code cell phone! argh. so leave me the number and i'll call back after class and we'll hang out."

i know, i'm a little wordy. but anyways, what i'm doing tonight is now in the air. but i do promise to post a goodbye entry before i leave tomorrow morning.

speaking of that class, i gotta go!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
