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100 things

man, this is wax!
11/18/01 ~ 9:49 p.m.

so jason williams tried talking to me on MSN messanger. i blocked him. i'm not in the mood for all this messing around online shit. i'm way too busy.

so friday night, riding in cars with boys. it was great spending time with just jenny. we're so busy and we try to hang out with all our friends in one big bunch so as to see everyone and still have time to study, which leaves everyone with not a lot of one-on-one time. so it was great. the movie was a lot sadder than i expected. but good still. i really do like drew barrymore. always have.

saturday i went on a cleaning spree. i even attempted to wah the outside of our windows with windex. hard water streaks and stains just ain't comin' off though. i tried. i also did dished and 6 loads of laundry. yay for me. i ran errands, got my eyebrows waxed, had chinese food, and met jenny and mike at the movie theater to see harry potter. i haven't read the books and wasn't all into the hype or anything, but it was really good. except i can never remember any of the character's names. (well, except harry potter...) but i want to read the book now and i want to see the next movies! we had tapioca express afterwards. it was my first experience with tapioca and it was very good, surprisingly. i loved the tapioca balls. i want to try all different flavors now!

today i did some homework in the morning, cleaned out my car, and putzed around. i went to jeffy's house and picked him up to go to sushi. i got to meet jackson finally! ladies, he is so hot. i would hump him if i were you. you guys should get on it. anyways, jeffy and i had a nice lunch, chatted about peeps we know from l-town, he played me death cab for cutie, etc. it was all good.

i came home, did some more homework, and ahh! my pager is going off. better wrap this up quick so i can call whoever it is.

so, jenn came over, we made a pseudo-thanksgiving dinner and watched blair witch 2. then she attepted to wax my legs, which didn't work very well. i have a nice little patch of shorter hair on my right shin. it is not smooth. it sucks. and now i am online but i am leaving temporarily, to check my pager. goodnight.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
