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100 things

blast from the past
11/15/01 ~ 4:21 p.m.

there is a new moon today. that is what my peanuts calendar tells me. hopefully it's going to bring with it good things.

oh my god. i seriously just called that. so as i'm typing those first 3 sentences i hear someone say "terry?" and it pops into my head - terry b. who used to work here? she was on my mind today anyways because someone just got fired from my work this week and she was also fired. she was the one who let us housesit and throw a party 2 fourth of july's ago. right after jenny and my flowerversaries. needless to say, jenny, mike, ned, and i had a fantastic long weekend, complete with a stellar party. it was pretty huge.

so anyways, i run around the corner of my cubicle and it IS her! i haven't seen or talked to her in over a year. and... shocker of all shockers... she's pregnant. now, this is a 41 year old woman who is into working out (she is actually a bodybuilder), dating a lot of guys, and has a little dog named cookie. she always said she didn't need children cuz she has cookie. surprise, surprise. well... the father of the baby is not her boyfriend anymore. in fact, she has a new boyfriend. eek. but she'll be a fun mom. she'll raise a party animal fitness freak. just you watch.

jenny -- this is for you: HEY DOG!

weird. so, back to regular scheduled diary writing. i am planning on not going to my class tonight so i can finish that blasted essay. it's such a bitch. in fact, i am about to take my lunch and work on the essay right here. adios, peoples. please think "good grades" for me!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
