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100 things

shopping day
11/10/01 ~ 10:56 p.m.

well, i don't have a lot of stuff to put in this entry, but since i was on here, i thought i'd say hi.

i am currently sitting on a pile of clothes which are on my desk chair. which is a folding chair, by the way. the clothes are there because i have not hung them up yet. i DID separate them and put away the underwear, socks, and folded clothes, but i have not been motivated enough to finish.

how lazy is that?

i spent most of the day shopping. at the mall. yuck. well, i went to the mall with heather and travers while heather shopped and we followed, whining about our achy feet. i might have been more excited if we had gone to old navy. i do need some new clothes and i can always find something i like there that doesn't break the bank. what can i say? i like cheap clothes.

besides, heather is much smaller and cuter than me. it's way more fun watching her try on cute clothes that make her look cute and helping her pick stuff out. when i try on stuff, i'm like, DAMN, holly, did you HAVE to have ice cream last night? geez.

the clothes are sliding down. aahhhh. gotta type fast.

so then we came home and something was on tv but i think i fell asleep on the couch for a little while. then my cousin vinny (such a funny movie) came on tv and travers cooked chicken and rice and we ate and watched. now we're going to bed. such an active saturday night. i'm so cool it hurts.

well, i am gonna cuddle up and listen to the rain. nighty night dearies.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
