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at-work ramble
11/08/01 ~ 9:29 a.m.

well, i am writing this from work on a break and then emailing it to myself at home. so then i won't have to spend as much time at home posting and i can do stuff like hang up my clothes, clean litter box, etc. ha ha. more like nap.

i probably will try to take a nap before class cuz after class i am going to the aggie jam. it's a spirit thing for our school. sounds kinda like a high school rally, plus free shit and fireworks. free entertainment too. sounds like a nice, cheap night. i like that.

my skin is being soooooo greasy. and my chin is all broken out. i hate this. it's not even period time. if it get worse in a week, i'm going to scream. not that screaming helps clear up my skin. but yeah.

ok, enough girly talk.

so, remember how i was going to bed at 10:00 last night? negatory, good buddy. i ended up staying online like a retard till 11, which was actually for the best cuz andy paged me right then and i had to go over to his house to finish my homework so he could turn it in for me today. (did i mention how annoying it is to work so far away from school???) so i got home at midnight. needless to say, i was not at work exactly at 7 am this morning. i did good on tuesday though!

last night was dawson's creek night. jeffy, jenny, mike, and jenn were there for the show. i don't know... i still like it but i'm also kinda tired of it. it's hard to explain. but i'm staying faithful. plus, i WANT charlie, this new character who is apparently a real slimeball cuz he cheats on jen. which is good cuz then i don't actually want him and i'm not being unfaithful to ned, right? right.

ok, so last night i finally caught up on all the diaries i've been neglecting lately, but i'll probably slip again soon when schoolwork bogs me down. congrats to monica-- her and her sweetie just celebrated their 2 year anniversary! and another BIG congrats to bobbi jo -- she's engaged! my heart goes out to lisse, whose boyfriend just lost his mother. yay for oblivia, who is getting a new car! poo on jackson, i still haven't met him but i still think his cartoons are pretty funny. a big woo! for jenn and kiki, who are moving in together. lexi gets a medal for her constant flow of new designs at lexdesigns, besides the fact that she keeps changing hers. quinn is writing a book. i don't have the patience to do that. but i still want to read it when she's done!

enough linkage? probably. hee. well i miss reading you guys when i'm gone!

i haven't even talked about my upcoming 3 day weekend. let's see. saturday i have nothing planned. sunday- nothing till 4 pm, then my brother's birthday party. monday - nothing. but in the middle of all that nothingness, i have 2 5-page papers to write and like 3 homework assignments to do. so i'll probably be at home, procrastinating. call me and save me if you want something to do!

almost off work. yay yay yay. i want a nappy. look at me, i write way more when i should be working than when i'm home. so you get just a little bit more of a holly-fix. i guess i'm trying to make up for not posting very often lately. well.. tis all for now, sorry if i bored you...


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
