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100 things

turkey in the straw
10/24/01 ~ 10:14 a.m.

grrr. i hate not being able to update at work. i have no time at home! (ha ha). well, this has to be super short and sweet cuz i have a journal entry to write for class, which is at 11 -- less than two hours away. plus factor in bike riding time. sigh.

i am currently getting a C+ in my class from hell. that's not tooo bad. andy and i got B's on our program. i can't beleive i think a C is ok. something is wrong with me.

today is dawson's creek night. i can only hope that jeffy and jackson are going to attend. i'm planning on a spaghetti-feast, boys! you'll be missing out!

i have to go see on of the non-speaking english TA's before dawsons, though. grrr. but i gotta keep this C. so pathetic. i get to sign up for classes in about 2 weeks. i've almost got it planned out. cross your fingers. i also have to pass the hell class for it all to work. i need ALL the luck in the world.

and now, i leave you with a song:

have you ever been a-fishin'
on a warm and sunny day
standing on a pumpkin
and the pumpkin rolls away?
and a scarecrow is whistling
an old fashioned tune
and we all watch the turkeys
do the hocchie koochie dance.

TURKEY IN THE STRAW...hey hey hey!
TURKEY IN THE STRAW... ho ho ho!

and the crows all dance
through the barnyard door
and we all come together
singing turkey in the straw.

now picture a stuffed animal turkey jumping up and down, singing that. well... it's on my kitchen table.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
