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100 things

i'm almost famous
10/22/01 ~ 9:47 p.m.

i am so cool! i got interviewed.

i should be reading little women. but instead i am updating, and chatting to oblivia, jenne1017, jeffy, and my lab partner.

well, sunday was boring. so boring it doesn't deserve a mention. all i did was study. oh wait! i *did* go to the art history BBQ, and that was fun. good people, good people.

and today, i was boring, went to class, came home, made tacos with heather and travers, and did some laundry. (ah! i need to go get that out!)

i also talked to ned and his mom. i'm still going to GA for thanksgiving, but she's not coming anymore. it's not going to be a big family thing. but i will get to see my sweetie and go to a big football game at his school and stuff.

as i should go, i'm keeping this short and sweet. don't expect an update from me tomorrow cuz, *sob*, no internet at work.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
