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a raise, a fix it ticket, and dreams
12/07/00 ~ 6:30 pm

i got my review today because i have the next two weeks off. i got a fantastic review. i was in the above average category. my boss was raving. i was blushing. it was great. but THEN-- the raise. i got a big raise. $2.62! i feel good. i'm still broke ass, but i'll be doing better next year.

i can't wait for school to be over. i really have no worrying to do about my finals but i seem to find some way to stress anyways.

i've been having really freaky dreams lately. two nights ago, i was being taken away to go on death row because i accidently blew off 2 of someone's toes. so they take to me the house i was housesitting, but i couldn't find the key, so i called astrid to let me in and she said she couldn't come cuz she was shopping with bleh. and i yelled at her that i would be dead tomorrow. i woke up scared shitless. i am petrified of death. last night, i dreamt that i was on a date with a guy who was trying to prove himself to me by how good of a dancer he was. it was very romantic. i wish that one was real. it was probably related to my great night of dancing tuesday.

i also got pulled over that night. with a bit of alcohol in my system too. boy was i scared. but it was for my tail lights being out. i got a fix it ticket and now my car is in the shop again. blahhhhh. $275... ok think raise, raise, raise....

i feel like i will always have money problems. how depressing.


p.s. 6 days till i'm no longer a teenager!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
