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100 things

you give me fever
09/20/01 ~ 4:09 p.m.

i stayed home sick yesterday. and while i *did* check my email, i did not spend time on the internet like i do at work. hence, no update.

i had a fever and generally felt yucky. but i was not deathly ill, so i managed to dye my hair (blonde again) go grocery shopping, do laundry, watch a cheesy move on lifetime (the women's channel) and still do dawson's night at jenny's house. plus i got scrapbooking done. nothing like productive, paid sick days!

don't miss the previous entry, where i put up my post on the anada lewis page. you should all participate. go now.

i am spending this weekend on a retreat with the school. it's for the women in engineering (including c.s. majors) and we're going to bodega bay. shluld be nice, relaxing, and hopefully i'll make some friends.

i hope you all will miss me while i'm gone. leave me messages to come home to!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
