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ananda lewis show
09/20/01 ~ 3:59 p.m.

this is what i'm posting on the ananda lewis page that jeffy made:

I�m taking away from this tragedy something different than a lot of people, I think. I was extremely affected by it, which I was rather surprised at because I didn't think I was the world's most patriotic person. Living in America in this hugely historical time has made me realize something about myself.

For years, it's been a well-known fact that History is my least favorite subject. Although I maintain good grades in school, I avoid history classes like the plague and if, by chance, I take one, I promptly forget all I�ve learned after the final. I never found it interesting and I ended up basically ignoring anything historical. My boyfriend always tells me about how horrible of a view that is, and I never cease to amaze him with what I don't know about any World War.

After living through this tragedy, I�ve realized what I�ve been missing. I've been neglecting things that are very important to the nation I'm living in today. I regret not learning everything I could have when I was younger, and I regret how ignorant I still am about historical events. I honestly am going to make an effort to be more culturally aware and catch up on what I�ve missed.

~Holly k***** [email]

i had to use capital letters. blech. but anyways, i wouldn't be able to go to new york. not that they'd pick me anyways. but at least i can say i know the man who is famous enough to be contacted by ananda's peoples. i knew him back in the day, yo!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
