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100 things

the sweetest gesture
02/23/05 ~ 2:31 p.m.

last night, i had sociology class. so i worked 8:30-5, went to the gym, did my run, changed, got a subway sandwich, and went to class. we turned in our papers, had discussions, etc. she let us leave at 9 instead of the usual 9:30/9:45 (it CAN go as late as 10) and i headed home to our messy place. i was worn out, and ready to cuddle.

i walked in to our little house to hear rock music playing and was suprised that david was not in his usual position, which is attached to his xbox. what was he doing? could it be?

it was! he was doing all of the dishes. the dishes that i've been ignoring for a week, didn't do because i had to write a paper, and was waiting until thursday night to even attempt. he said, "you're home early! i was going to finish them ALL and then text you that i had a surprise!" awwwwwwwwww.

now, i love flowers as much as the next girl (ok, i crave flowers) but this, THIS, this was the most loving gesture david could have made last night.


2003: and i am apparantly the #27 choice for "nasty shit". go me.
2002: dude, if i didn't already have a crush on him, i would after tonight.
2001: now i'm stuck with normal medicines that don't cure me.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
