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my weekend in list form
02/13/05 ~ 10:47 a.m.

well, it's already sunday. i have pictures that correspond with the events of the weekend so far, but they're not uploaded. so you'll get those later. i think i'll do a quick list form to summarize the main points:

  • david passed his yellow belt test with flying colors. i took a few ok pictures and a cool little mini-movie. i need to figure out how to freeze frames and print those as pictures. cuz they would be better than the ones i got. i was so embrarrassed to be taking pictures. i am such a cheesy girlfriend.

  • justine's party was a happening place. i enjoyed catching up with people from my past that i haven't seen in ages - sera, emily, mike, bobby, and lizzie, specifically. plus it's always nice to see amy, gabe and justine. after i caught up with them, i realized how much of a party goer i am not. i really couldn't muster up the energy to make any sort of effort to make small talk with people i didn't know. i just didn't really care to. ah, well. guess i'm becoming a hermit in my old age as well.

  • very little sleep was had friday night because of the party going to a normal late party hour and then because of people on drugs that kept talking and talking and talking all night. there was some sleep had from 4 am to 8 am, and i know i told the drugged out people to turn the lights off at 6.

  • we got breakfast at a diner in the morning, and i realized at least one person i didn't know before was cool - sera's friend jen from santa cruz. yay, i'm not a total hermit. anyways.

  • there was some chinese new years stuff going on down the streets of san francisco. those dragon masks are very cool, and the dancers inside were quite talented. that was enjoyable.

  • we stopped at a karate competition on the way back into town, but the spectator fee was $5 and we were super tired and we're going to stay long. so we didn't go in.

  • we napped from 1:45 to 3:45.

  • i went to amber's house and met her little baby. he was just 48 hours old. i was afraid i wasn't very baby proof, but that didn't stop them from putting him in my arms. he slept most of the time, and i kept touching his cheeks. they were so soft. plus those super tiny fingers were neat. and he had a TON of dark hair. must have been his hispanic genes. at then end, amber had him laying on his belly on her chest, and he kept lifting his head up and looking at her and at me. i was amazed that his neck was already so strong. that was the youngest baby i've ever seen. it will be neat to watch my friends baby grow up. :)

  • we watched collateral on the xbox last night and went to bed early.

  • david took an antibiotic without eating first this morning, and it made him sick. we're supposed to leave for the gym soon, so i'm waiting for his stomach to recover enough to do that.

ok, that was a pretty long list. but now you're informed. i'll check in later, maybe even with pictures!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
