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nutrition job babble
02/03/05 ~ 11:50 a.m.

yesterday was interesting, future-wise, because i talked to both najine (my self-appointed mentor/nutritionist) and leslie (my teacher/PhD/nutritionist) about my plans after i graduate. najine is looking to hire me to run a clinc for her when i get my degree (in june 2008). she says i don't need to get my RD (the "registered dietician" title) to work for her, as long as i have my bachelor's. i'd be making $40k+ a year. so, good job. but who knows if the timing will work out perfectly?

so leslie is a little more practicial, saying that i should get my RD right after i graduate so i'm eligible for more jobs, in general. just in case the thing with najine doesn't go as smoothly as planned. this is good advice. don't have my eggs in one basket, so to speak. the problem? to get your RD, you must do an internship, usually unpaid, for 9 months to a year! so i'd have to see where i was at financially when i graduate. because chances are, i'd be coming off of not working full time, and david would be ready for me to be earning some money!

plus, i need to find my niche. i already know that i want to help obese people get to healthy weights. i want to help them do what i've done. i'd be more focuses on them than the people looking to just clean up their eating a bit or lose 10 pounds. i suppose i would be ok working in a hospital or a private practice. i wouldn't try and have my own private practice, especially not at first, but maybe even ever because i really don't need to run a small business. so for some of these things, an RD would be needed. others, not so much. but it's generally a good thing.

but the other interesting thing is, i was reading the FAQ's for the online program i'll be doing, and it seems that all the lab work i'd be doing for the last year could be counted as my internship time... and then maybe all i'd have to do to get my RD would be to take the test. hmmm. that would be ideal, but it seems too good to be true. and the wording on that part is a little iffy. so i'm going to shoot off an email (when i have email access AND remember to do it) to the advisor i've been working with over there and figure out what things i will have satisified when i graduate.

this is all a lot to think about. i guess i need more answers before i really know what i want to do. but i DO know that the classes i am taking are the right ones, and they are setting me up for the work i want to eventually do. and i guess that's enough for now. it's pretty early in the game.


2003: sounds like the stars are more concerned with my friendship with jenn than my car issues. sigh.
2002: i have a secret i haven't divulged yet on here --- i have an itty bitty crush on adam.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
