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hairdressers, teachers, nutritionists and gynocologists
01/27/05 ~ 11:23 a.m.

i realized this morning that since jen and donna won't be here in the office starting next week and i'm going to have to be more anal about the amount of time i spend on lunch, i won't be able to get my hair done next week. so i ran next door to the hair salon, and luckily, my hairdresser squeezed me in at noon tomorrow. awesome. i balanced the checkbook, and as it's not TOO expensive of a place (~$20-25 for the cut), i can swing it befre getting my next paycheck.

molly did make a good point in my guestbook - obviously, sarah michelle gellar's stylist can make her hair look awesome all the time. so hopefully my hairdresser will be able to tell what will work for me and my really low maintainance lifestyle. i don't want it to look crazy if i don't spend hours blowdrying & straightening, because you know what? i NEVER spend hours on beautification. so yeah. we'll see how it goes. i promise i'll post before & after pictures.

ok, end hair talk. for now.

last night, i went to office hours before class to talk with my nutrition teacher. i wanted to chat with her about knowing najine (my mentor-type lady) and see where it went from there. well, we ended up talking until class started about absolutely EVERYTHING! i mean, we went from my body's weightloss style to my family history with heart disease to bonding over both being adult children of alcoholics. and also talking about my life and my choices with school and my debt and even david. i barely talked about him because we were more talking about ME, and then she comes out with the remark that it's obvious he and i have a good relationship and it will be a good marriage. because of what i've learned from my parent's mistakes and all of that, plus his stability and such. i guess my increased confidence in myself kind of broadcasts our relationship's strength. basically, it was really fun, i learned stuff and i also realized that if i just chat with her on a semi-regualr basis about life and everything, without busting out charts or actual guidelines for my own weightloss, that she'll end up helping me out without realizing it and/or charging. plus, it's just good to network and have the right people in your corner. so i'm stoked about that.

and plus, i'm finally getting to go check out najine's clinic, it's you nutrition. i've never been there because her office hours are the same as my work hours, of course. but i have that dreaded girly appointment next week and i'm leaving work early to go, so i made an appointment to swing by her office as well. yay!

speaking of the dreaded girly appointment, i'm actually glad it's coming because 1) i am hating this new pill she put me on. i think it's even causing chronic headaches and 2) i just have't been fully comfortable during certain acts, if you know what i mean, since that stupid uti. i'll be glad to get checked out, if only for her to notice that restraining from said acts for about a week allowed me time to heal. which, by the way, restraining is not super fun. just sayin'.

alright. i think i've bared enough of myself for one day. peace out, homies.


2004: well, after working 8 hour days both sunday and monday at blockbuster, i am much more confident in my decision to leave.
2003: to tell the truth (and i'll tell her this too), i was prepared to not talk to her again for the rest of my life. i wasn't that concerned about it, either. it was just something that had to be.
2002: amy took me under her wing and took me out for my birthday. and we've been best friends since. =)

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
