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100 things

the one all about my hair
01/26/05 ~ 2:09 p.m.

today is going much better than yesterday. i feel on top of my work, i'm getting things done, and also, the boss is gone for the rest of the day. so it's just me, donna, and jim.

i really need a haircut. like, really really. i rarely have split ends, but they are there now and they are driving me crazy! also, with all of the running on the treadmill with my hair pulled back, the hairs around my face are broken more than usual. so i think i need to get some sort of style going with layers in front so it looks good, as opposed to frazzled. but you know me, i'm a freak about doing anything drastic to my hair, as it grows out so s-l-o-w-l-y. plus i want to keep the length!

the best celebrity example i found was a photo of sarah michelle gellar's hair in a recent US magazine. i'm now searching for another photo online to show you all. and i can't find one. GRR. anyways, it's got some choppy pieces in the front that i think will work. ok, this one kinda shows it: click here. but i think i'd make the shortest choppy bit a little longer than in that picture. otherwise, i may freak out! heh.

i'll get it done soon, early february. i'll be getting a bonus mid-feb, so i can splurge on myself a little bit. i've been doing so well with my money, putting it away in savings! and yes, a lot of that bonus will also go into savings. i'm so proud. but being so frugal that you are living with split ends? not so good.

ok, that's all i've got today. ciao!


2003: i'm so glad i'm out of that and i'm SO GLAD i have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me and treats me right. david, you're the best.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
